Physical Education Curriculum for Pohnpei State
MAHI International volunteer Chapman Cochran of Oceanside, California is serving in Pohnpei during the 2014-2015 school year. Cochran developed a physical education curriculum for grades 1-8 for the Pohnpei State Department of Education. Before this new curriculum, the State had no existing P.E. program. This curriculum was designed specifically for the Pohnpei public schools where there are limited to no resources of sports equipment. Currently, Cochran is conducting a pilot program with this new curriculum at Ohmine Elementary School for over 700 students. In addition, he will be meeting with administrators and educators from all 34 elementary schools to introduce and train these individuals with the new curriculum.
Last year, Governor Ehsa of Pohnpei State declared an official state of emergency regarding the increase of non-communicable disease (NCD) rates throughout these island communities. It is MAHI International's mission to improve the quality of health among the island nation of Micronesia. We believe this starts with educating the younger generation with the significance of a healthy and active lifestyle.