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Schools Desks for Local Classrooms

Thanks to Dustin Herrmann and Ryan Elssman for their help shipping the school desks to Micronesia!

MAHI International is grateful to Loma Linda Academy in Loma Linda, CA for the donation of nearly 200 school desks and over 300 chairs for Pohnpei, Micronesia. When the desks and chairs were donated in June of this year, Southern California residents Glen Elssmann and Dustin Herrmann coordinated the collection, storage, and man-power to secure them until they could be loaded in a container and shipped in August. This container also includes a donation of 70+ Hooked-On-Phonics reading programs donated by Darryl Baker.

By the end of September, the container of education supplies will arrive in Pohnpei and MAHI International team members will distribute these donated items to local classrooms where students are anxiously awaiting their arrival.

Our team at MAHI International believes that these school desks and chairs will improve the learning environment in the local classrooms. The Hooked-On-Phonics reading programs will also effectively facilitate our efforts to improve English proficiency among our students. We would like to thank each one of you who helped us with this container and those who continue to support MAHI International, enabling us to provide ongoing assistance to these island communities.

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